Save Man Advance
This is a training model for Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support, based on the AHA ACLS Provider Course. The training model is inexpensive and using results from previous courses - all necessary functions have been carefully selected. The surface of the head, oral cavity, and torso are made of silicone rubber to give an authentic, skin like feel.
Airway management
- Endotracheal intubation, bag valve masks (BVM) ventilation, laryngeal masks, and combination tubes etc can all be used. Insertion via either the oropharynx airway or the nasopharynx airway is possible
- The fork of the trachea, - and both right and left lungs are structured, so that one-sided lung intubation can be checked by the swelling of the chest. The sound of respiration can also be checked at the lungs and directly on the collarbone and axilla by using a stethoscope
- An airway obstruction is the right-and-left lungs can be set up.(manual type)
- With the valve on the esophagus, it is possible to determine whether the stomach is filled with air due to excessive pressure.
Defibrillation, Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring

- Covers all irregular pulses and ECG waveforms, which are based on the AHA ACLS Provider Course.
- The ECG waveform can be operated intuitively by remote control. The remote controller can be operated cordlessly. (Cordless operation requires a battery)
- Sixteen kinds of ECG waveforms and 4 kinds of additional waveforms can be selected.
- A pulse rate can be varied by stages, and a variety of combinations are possible.
- A common carotid artery, which synchronizes with the ECG waveforms, is palpable, and common carotid artery can be stopped separately. (PEA and pulse has VT, and pulseless VT can be simulated)
- ECG waveforms are convertible with actual defibrillation and transcutaneous pacing.-Setup of the threshold value of transcutaneous pacing can also be performed.
- ECG waveforms of chest compression can be incorporated in to ECG waveforms when there is more than 4 cm of pressure depth of chest compression.
- A standby ECG waveforms that is convenient for courses, such as ACLS, has been configured, and a function automatically performed by defibrillation etc. has been installed.
- *In scenario function, a maximum of 20 waveforms per pattern can be stored in the memory.