
Scan a patient in a mere 10 seconds. Both patients and referral sources will be amazed by the efficiency, speed, and advanced technology of the BioScannerT. Since registration marks are not required, there is no prep work involved. You simply click and go. Change the mode to Optical Stylus and instantly place landmarks and alignment marks as you scan.

Any portion of the body may be directly scanned for orthoses or prostheses. There is no size limitation. A miniature transmitter is placed on the body to accommodate for any movement. The BioScannerT is able to image negative and positive models, allowing you to use the clinical techniques required for each patient. With scan-through-glass technology, you may position the body horizontally for a TLSO or utilize a weight bearing table for AFOs or foot orthotics. The BioScannerT automatically corrects the refraction.

The precision of the BioScannerT is as impressive as its speed. Capture shapes to an accuracy of 0.178mm. To further improve quality, the software streamlines the final scan to equally distribute the scan sweeps. You receive the most accurate scan available without added processing time.

For mobility, the BioScannerT packs into its own travel bag so it goes wherever you do. In the same spirit of freedom, you may convert scans to AAOP files+ through or use the Bio Shape Manipulation Software++ and convert them yourself. For increased function, the BioScannerT Tools were designed to enhance the scanning process.

BioMill 4.5XF

The ability to rapidly cut intricate shapes while preserving minute details is truly the differentiating factor for the BioMill 4.5XF. Imagine the ability to direct cut the final surface in a single pass without a rough cut. Sharp angles, deep invaginations, pediatric shapes and trimlines are not a problem. And, the mill does not have to slow down to accommodate higher density foam or deeper cuts. Plus, you have the ability to remill a specified section of the foam model. Cut TT, TF, TR, TH, TLSO, KAFO, AFO, pediatric shapes, cranial helmets, face masks and foot orthotics. rometer, torsiometer, inclinometer etc


Why should you begin using CAMFoamT ?

  • Uniform cell structure
  • Anti-static formulation
  • Does not compress under vacuum
  • New sizes to minimize material cost
  • More versatile configurations
  • Works with all carvers
  • Easier to receive discounts
  • No minimum order
  • Custom sizes and shapes available

What does this mean to you?

  • Less mold preparation
  • Cleaner handling
  • Saves money

    What other ways can I simplify fabrication?

  • Complete mandreling system
  • Various workbench mandrels
  • Vacuum mandrels and fixtures
  • Can retrofit your Endolite mandrels
  • Forming stockinettes and sleeves
  • Socket extraction tool
  • Part A and B raw materials
  • Mixing accesories