Eye Examination Simulator

Eye Examination Simulator - M82

EYE Examination Simulator is an innovative trainer for fundus examination, designed to allow examination of eyegrounds with the physician's own ophthalmoscope. Various cases can be set up for trainees using combinations of choice of slides, depth and pupil diameter..


  • 10 cases of fundus slides are provided for training in identifying common eye diseases.
  • The slide images are from actual clinical images.
  • The lens-equipped eyeball units reproduce the visual axis close to that of the human eye providing a realistic eye-ground view
  • Soft and supple material of the manikin allows hands-on practice of examination procedures, such as raising the eyelid.
  • The depth of the fundus slides can be set in 3 levels: hyperopic, normal, and myopic views.
  • Red reflection can be simulated.

Training Skills

  • Fundus examination